About Us

Our Mission: To provide high quality image- based lockbox services through software innovation, state-of-the-art technology, and commitment to excellent customer service.

eRemitt: The First Step Toward Paperless Processing

We are a Houston-based remittance processing company with highly experienced professional staff who take pride in providing excellent service. eRemitt has been in business since 2003 and our staff has over thirty years of experience in the remittance business. The primary focus of our experienced staff and management team is to meet your requirements and the needs of your business with the most innovative lockbox options and the best possible quality available.

At eRemitt Payment Processing Solutions, we've united top financial industry experts with the latest hardware, software, imaging, and communication products to provide a complete solution with fast, accurate transaction processing and immediate access to funds availability.

eRemitt Payment Processing Solutions benefits homeowner associations because we will streamline your accounts receivable processing, minimize your keying errors, reduce mail delays, improve cash flow, and decrease internal processing/handling costs. By using our lockbox services, property managers are able to reutilize staffing to meet the daily needs your association.

eRemitt also works directly with businesses, state and local government, utilities, taxing authorizes, water districts, and educational institutions to offer our cost effective, end-to-end solutions that can facilitate the needs of your organization.

With our expertise in banking, item processing, document imaging, and data storage, eRemitt understands the unique requirements of your business. We will provide the flexibility you need to accommodate your business goals and strategies. We are committed to providing the most timely and accurate payment processing available.

eRemitt has a business continuity plan and a redundant facility that will ensure the on-going processing of your work in the event of a disaster.

Outsourcing your remittance and document processing to eRemitt reduces capital expenditures, improves efficiency, ensures a complete audit trail, and enhances your level of customer service.